January 18, Meeting at South Boston Fire Dept. 403 Broad Street, February 13, 14, & 15 Crossing of the Dan, March 15 Guilford Court House, April 19, May 17, June 14, July 19, August 16, September 13, October18, November 15, December 20 Annual Dinner and Awards Meeting. Meeting Places to be decided at January Meeting.
Planning will begin September 2024.
This is the tentative date for the 2025 Crossing of the Dan.
* Honor individuals for outstanding and unusual patriotic achievements on a national regional and local level.
*Honor persons for outstanding bravery and self sacrifice in the face of imminent danger.
* Honor members of the United States Congress for outstanding g service t o the nation.
* Honor outstanding high sch0ol students annually with the presentation of Good Citizenship Award.
* Honor outstanding Junior and Senior ROTC cadets annually with the presentation of Awards.
* Select the outstanding Eagle Scout annually at the branch, state and national level. The national winner receives a college scholarship.
* Honor outstanding students for winning the Knight Essay Contest.
* Assist veterans in Veterans Hospitals.
* Conduct a national historical orations contest annually .
* Sponsor Boy Scout troops and chapters of the Children of the American Revolution.
* Place SAR markers at the grave sites of Revolutionary War Patriots and SAR Members.
* Participate in new citizenship swearing-in ceremonies.
* Observe patriotic anniversaries.
*Collaborate with the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Children of the American Revolution.